Salih Muhammad on police brutality protests

Outrage and resistance in the face of police brutality continues to grow nationwide.

Afrikan Black Coalition Chair Salih Muhammad was quoted in The Final Call newspaper discussing this moment and youth activism.

"I believe that at this point what we are witnessing is the boiling over of the frustration that our people have with the consistent disrespect of our very existence. As I heard one person say, we’re not fighting for a cause, we’re fighting for our lives,” said  Salih Muhammad, executive director, of the Afrikan Black Coalition, a collective of Black Student Unions throughout California.

The uprisings among youth and elders from all walks of life indicate America’s undergoing a paradigm shift, he added.

“This cannot go on any longer. What we are witnessing as the Minister (Louis Farrakhan) said, the mask of civility of the enemy is coming off everywhere,” said Salih Muhammad. For example, the young activist said, about 400 protestors participated in the Black Student Union at the University of California at Berkeley’s peaceful rally and were walking about 50 blocks to downtown Oakland when a young White woman tried to run them over. There were no repercussions, he said.

“As usual with the police there’s over policing in our communities and then there’s under-policing,” Salih Muhammad continued.

Charlene Muhammad, The Final Call, December 17, 2014.